Bollywood veteran Amitabh Bachchan’s recent Instagram post went viral as he shared that he had to hitch a ride on a stranger’s motorcycle to avoid the Mumbai traffic and reach his shooting location on time. The post featured Bachchan, wearing a helmet, on the back of a Royal Enfield Himalayan motorcycle with the rider. The actor expressed his gratitude towards the bike rider in his post, saying, “Thank you for the ride buddy .. don’t know you .. but you obliged and got me on time to the location of work .. faster and in avoidance of the unsolvable traffic jams .. thank you capped, shorts, and yellowed T-shirt owner.”

The post garnered several comments from other Bollywood celebrities as well. Actress Sayani Gupta praised Bachchan’s dedication to his work and punctuality, stating, “Had always heard Mr. Bachchan @amitabhbachchan has always been the most punctual! Can see today what honouring Time truly means to you!. I hope actors can learn a thing or two from this! .”

Actor Rohit Bose Roy was amazed at Bachchan’s energy, commenting, “You are the cooooolest dude on earth Amit ji! Love you .” Even Bachchan’s granddaughter, Navya Nanda, reacted to the post with smiling and heart emojis.

The motorcycle’s owner, Abdur Razak, also responded to Bachchan’s post in the comments section, calling the experience “the most beautiful and wonderful thing” of his life, after his daughter. Razak revealed that he had previously worked with Bachchan on his first TV commercial for BPL with Rakesh Mehra.

Bachchan is known for his punctuality and professionalism in the Bollywood industry. His timely arrival on sets has earned him respect and admiration from his co-stars and colleagues over the years. The incident only shows that Bachchan is not one to be deterred by Mumbai’s infamous traffic and is willing to take unconventional measures to meet his commitments.

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